Lori Grimm
Parish Administrator
E: lorig@holycomfortersc.org
Lori is a native of Ohio. In 1986, she graduated from high school
and, two years later, married her high school sweetheart, Doug, who was in the USAF. After they set off on a journey to see the world, their travels brought them back to Shaw in 2000. This is where they, along with their two daughters, would call home.
Lori and Doug started attending Holy Comforter in 2007 after their
youngest daughter started attending HCYG and asked them to
come to church with her. During that time, Lori volunteered with
the youth group and as a children’s Sunday school volunteer. In
2009, she was presented with the opportunity to serve as Director of Children’s Ministry. Fast forward to 2014, she was
offered the parish administrator position. Lori finds joy in helping with the daily operations of the church. While serving as the parish administrator, she has seen God working and moving in the lives of the parishioners here.
Lori and Doug have two grandsons, and they enjoy spending time
and going on adventures with them when she is not in the office.